
Research is core to the overall mission of PNCRG. PNCRG provides the opportunity to collaborate with other sites and experts in pediatric neurocritical care. PNCRG supports research in a number of different ways, including the Scientific Review Committee, the IDEA Lab, and our bi-annual meetings.

The PNCRG Scientific Review Committee (SRC) is tasked with promoting and facilitating high quality research for our membership. The committee provides a process for review and feedback at all stages of work including initial proposals and grant submissions. The SRC is also tasked with review of the PNCRG Trainee Travel Award proposals.

The IDEA Lab is the hub of all new research proposals to PNCRG. The IDEA Lab supports fledgling ideas, provides feedback via experts, and can the place to brainstorm multicenter research. The IDEA Lab is open to all PNCRG members.


The GCS-Covid-Peds Study

A multicenter, multinational cohort observational study to document prevalence and severity of neurological symptoms and outcomes among patients younger than 18 years old admitted to the hospital with confirmed or presumed COVID19.

Practice Recommendations for Transcranial Doppler Ultrosonography

To improve consistency, optimize safety and efficacy, and provide for meaningful and reproducible results in clinical care and research, the PNCRG TCD subgroup has prepared A multidisciplinary expert consensus statement on the use of TCD in critically ill children.

  • Biomarkers and Quality of Life in Children with TBI
  • Use of NIRS and Neuromarkers to Predict Neurological Outcome after Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Surgery
  • CT Classification to Guide Therapeutic Intervention and Outcome Prediction in Children with Severe TBI
  • Biomarkers of Acute Brain Injury in Pediatric ECMO
  • Use of NIRS and Neuromarkers to Predict Neurological Outcome after Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Surgery
  • Rational Vasopressor Choice after Severe Pediatric TBI
  • Increasing Adherence to Pediatric Guidelines after Severe TBI
  • Early Monitoring for Seizures and Long-term Global Outcomes Following Moderate to Severe Brain Injury in Children
  • Multicenter CSF and Blood Depository
  • Risk Factors, Management and Outcomes Associated with Non-convulsive Seizures in Critically Ill Children
  • Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Children with Vasospasm following TBI
  • The VPICU Neurocritical Care Module: Identifying Best Clinical Practices in a Prospective Multicenter Database
  • Evoked Potentials as a Probe for Improving Information Extraction from EEG
  • ADAPT (Approaches and Decisions in Acute Pediatric TBI)

Interested in submitting your research study proposal to our scientific review committee?